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Taiwan Cooperative Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (TCFHC) was established on 1st Dec. 2011. TCFHC currently has six wholly own subsidiaries, which are Taiwan Cooperative Bank Co., Ltd., Taiwan Cooperative Bills Finance Corporation, Ltd., Taiwan Cooperative Securities Co., Ltd., Co-Operative Assets Management Co., Ltd., Taiwan Cooperative Securities Investment Trust Co., Ltd., Taiwan Cooperative Venture Capital Co., Ltd., and BNP Paribas Cardif Assurance TCB Life Insurance Co., Ltd., a 51% stake joint venture with BNP Paribas Group’s subsidiary. TCFHC is a financial group with a broad range of financial products and services, including banking, insurance, securities, bills finance, investment trust services, asset management and venture capital business. As of Dec. 2023, the total consolidated asset value of TCFHC is about NTD 4.80 trillion ranked the 6th largest financial holding company in Taiwan by asset.
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