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Performance of Covid-19 Pandemic Control Measures and Relief Programs

Sustainable Development

Performance of Covid-19 Pandemic Control Measures and Relief Programs

For coping with the COVID-19 pandemic, TCFHC has set up a pandemic response task force and follows the guidelines promulgated by Central Epidemic Command Center to take emergency measures such as an SOP for disease prevention and off-site backup so as to ensure the health of employees and continuity of business. Meanwhile, following “sustainable development” as the principle, TCFHC actively supports the government in various financial relief, stimulus, and local investment programs. TCFHC has stepped up the efforts to push for the “Trillion Dollars Based Financial Stimulus Program” which is set to help enterprises speed up investment, assist development of low carbon industry, and facilitate enterprises engaging in international expansion. In addition to encourage employees to spend and inject cash into the local economy, TCB has taken the initiative to act as one of the exchange banks to cash “Quintuple Consumption Vouchers”, an economic stimulus measure implemented by the Executive Yuan.
Disease Control Measures
  • Following the competent authority's disease control measures, TCFHC implemented customer/supplier visit registration system and visitor flow management, advocated facial masks, and enforcing body temperature measurement and alcohol disinfection at entry as well as social distancing. A number of digital financial services are also made available to customers.
  • Visitors on business are managed, and body temperature sensors are installed in the offices to monitor temperatures of outsiders.
Going Virtual
Large gatherings and close contact are avoided. Large meeting sand indoor activitiesare instead conducted over the phone or by video conferencing.
Working from offsite/home and working in shifts are implemented to reduce the risk of infection among employees.
Employee Care
Individual Health Management
Body temperature monitoring and self-monitoring are enforced daily in the workplace. Quarantine leaves are provided as needed.
  • The cafeteria and dining area are closed and replaced with packed meal boxes.
  • The head office and other offices are cleaned and disinfected more frequently. Alcohol is placed at office entrances for disinfection.
  • Allowances and COVID-19 vaccination leaves are provided for employees to get vaccinated.
  • The “Occupational Health and Safety Classroom” publishes regularly disease prevention and other health information.
Flexible Management
  • To reduce the risk of infection during commute while maintaining business as usual, 3 sets of hours are implemented (8:50-17:00, 9:20-17:30, and 9:50-18:00) to mitigate the risk of infection during rush hours.
  • Provided extenuating circumstances (e . g . during a pandemic), the company will provide necessary equipment for employees to work from home. The company will also provide an electronic sign a ture system to keep administrative tasks uninterrupted.
Relief and Stimulus Program
To mitigate the economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, TCB is fulfilling its corporate social responsibility by providing an array of financial relief programs for struggling businesses and their employees. TCB has also initiated contact with existing clients to offer extensions on loans, penalty waivers, and late interest waivers to help them survive a difficult time.

Meanwhile, TCB has expedited optimizing features of its online loan application platform - “Microenterprise e-Loans” so as to make it easier for customers to make online loan applications. A dedicated hotline is in place along with dedicated counters in branches across the island so that customers can make telephone enquiry or appointments with their preferred branches if they are not used to making online applications. This way is expected to divert the flow of customers visiting physical branches, so as to reduce unnecessary contact, shorten waiting time, and ultimately lower the risk of infection. In addition, during the severe epidemic period, mobile banking provides money transfer services using QR codes while interbank transfers are free of charge.
Recognition from External Parties
TCB takes advantage of its domestic network of branches, which is the largest in the country, and unites all departments in working together to provide financial support. The quick and easy rule is observed when processing relief loans provided by the government or the bank itself. The goal is to help customers get through the difficult time. These efforts have been recognized by the Financial Supervisory Commission who names TCB the winner of nine awards (7 First Places and 2 Second Places) under the “Rewards for Encouraging Local Banks Expediting Relief and Stimulus Loan Program” (Phase 2), which has 13 awards.
Recognition from External Parties
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